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Belle Epoque wortel

Polka 91 Bare root

Polka 91 Bare root

15 in stock

Regular price 129,00 DKK
Regular price Sale price 129,00 DKK
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Discover the enchanting beauty of Rosa 'Polka', a masterpiece refined by Jacques Mouchotte, known for his contribution to the world of roses with creations such as Carefree Delight & Wonder and Bonica. This unique climbing rose, resulting from a cross between Golden Showers, Meipaisar, and Lichtkonigin Lucia, boasts beautiful apricot-colored flowers that transform a garden into a picturesque scene.

Rosa 'Polka' is a versatile rose that can be grown as a compact shrub of 1.5 meters or as an impressive climber of up to 4 meters in height. The flowers, with a diameter of about 15 cm, are real eye-catchers with their rich apricot color and lighter edges. The strong, classic rose scent adds an extra dimension to its beauty, enchanting every garden visitor.

At Belle Epoque we are proud to offer this hardy, disease-resistant rose straight from our nursery. Rosa 'Polka' is a favorite among rose lovers worldwide not only for its aesthetic appeal, but also for its robustness and ease of maintenance. Whether you are an experienced gardener or just starting out, Polka is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to enrich their garden with a touch of color and elegance.

Flowering time

  • Juni
  • Juli
  • Augustus
  • September
  • Oktober


Grote struikroos (1 - 1,5m);Kleine klimroos (2 - 3m)

Flower form

  • Gevuld


Licht geurend

Care Instructions

Het verzorgen van rosa ‘Polka’ is niet moeilijk maar de roos vraagt wel wat tijd en aandacht op regelmatige basis. Rozen hebben veel energie nodig om goed te kunnen groeien en daar helpt voldoende water en voeding bij. Bekijk ook regelmatig of er uitgebloeide bloemknoppen aan de roos zitten. Om energieverspilling te voorkomen kan je deze het beste zo snel mogelijk verwijderen. Daarbij is het verstandig om de roos te bemesten zodat deze weer goede en gezonde voeding kan opnemen. Het advies is om dit twee keer per jaar te doen; in maart en eind juni.


Products are shipped directly from the nursery every week on Mondays & Wednesdays. By delivering only twice a week, we reduce logistics emissions and optimize our processes. This benefits both the quality of our products and the climate.

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