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Belle Epoque wortel

Emily Brontë (Ausearnshaw) Bare root

Emily Brontë (Ausearnshaw) Bare root

32 in stock

Regular price €23,85 EUR
Regular price Sale price €23,85 EUR
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The Rose 'Emily Brontë' (Ausearnshaw), bred by David Austin to celebrate the bicentenary of the famous author's birth, is a literary and botanical treasure. This special rose, named after the author of the classic novel 'Wuthering Heights', is an epitome of beauty and grace.

'Emily Brontë' is distinguished by its soft apricot-pink flowers, which open to reveal apricot-orange centers surrounded by a central button eye. The flower's unique structure, with petals expanding concentrically with each outward turn, creates a beautiful rosette shape. These fully formed, open flowers have a fairly flat character, which contributes to their elegant appearance.

David Austin Roses describes 'Emily Brontë' as a very floriferous rose, which blooms almost continuously from early summer to autumn. The shrub is quite tall, upright and bushy, but remains compact enough to fit easily into any garden. With a height of 1.4 m and a width of 1.3 m, depending on growing conditions, this rose is ideal for beds, borders or as a solitary eye-catcher.

At Belle Epoque we are proud to offer this beautiful rose directly from our nursery for only €20.27. 'Emily Brontë' is not only a tribute to one of the greatest literary figures, but also a superior choice for any rose lover looking for something truly special for their garden. Order now and let the spirit of Emily Brontë live on in your garden with this beautiful rose.

Flowering time

  • Juni
  • Juli
  • Augustus
  • September
  • Oktober


Grote struikroos (1 - 1,5m)

Flower form

  • Gevuld


Sterk geurend

Care Instructions

Het verzorgen van rosa ‘Emily Bronte’ is niet moeilijk maar de roos vraagt wel wat tijd en aandacht op regelmatige basis. Rozen hebben veel energie nodig om goed te kunnen groeien en daar helpt voldoende water en voeding bij. Bekijk ook regelmatig of er uitgebloeide bloemknoppen aan de roos zitten. Om energieverspilling te voorkomen kan je deze het beste zo snel mogelijk verwijderen. Daarbij is het verstandig om de roos te bemesten zodat deze weer goede en gezonde voeding kan opnemen. Het advies is om dit twee keer per jaar te doen; in maart en eind juni.


Products are shipped directly from the nursery every week on Mondays & Wednesdays. By delivering only twice a week, we reduce logistics emissions and optimize our processes. This benefits both the quality of our products and the climate.

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