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Belle Epoque wortel

Pink Cloud Bare root

Pink Cloud Bare root

10 in stock

Regular price 179 SEK
Regular price Sale price 179 SEK
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Climbing Rose Pink Cloud: A Lush Addition from the Grower

Discover the 'Climbing Rose Pink Cloud', a beautiful addition to our nursery, known for its lush growth and fragrant, large-flowered bright pink roses. This hardy climbing rose is a favorite among garden enthusiasts, thanks to its ability to bloom into October.

How do you plant Climbing Rose Pink Cloud?

Climbing roses like 'Pink Cloud' are perfect for covering pergolas, old sheds, walls, or fences. They require little space and can be planted both in the ground and in pots. For optimal growth, a sunny to partially shaded location is ideal. With the right care and possible fertilization in the spring, 'Pink Cloud' can reach a height of 200 to 250 cm.

Maintenance of Climbing Rose Pink Cloud

'Pink Cloud' is known for its continuous flowering nature and fragrant flowers. For best results, begin pruning once two main branches have formed. Side branches and other branches are usually pruned in the spring, after the frost period. This stimulates the growth and flowering of the climbing rose.

The Conservation of Climbing Rose Pink Cloud

As one of the hardier climbing roses in our range, 'Pink Cloud' can last for years with proper maintenance. Removing old branches annually and regularly removing dried flower clusters promotes health and flowering. 'Pink Cloud' performs best in sun or partial shade with a nutrient-rich soil.

Discover More Climbing roses and Other Rose Varieties

In addition to 'Pink Cloud', we offer a wide range of climbing roses, rambler roses, shrub roses, and English roses, all fresh from our rose nursery. Visit our climbing rose collection, rambler roses, shrub roses, or English roses for more inspiration and advice.

Flowering time

  • Juni
  • Juli
  • Augustus
  • September
  • Oktober
  • November


Kleine klimroos (2 -3 m)

Flower form

  • Halfgevuld


Sterk geurend

Care Instructions

Het verzorgen van rosa ‘Pink Cloud’ is niet moeilijk maar de roos vraagt wel wat tijd en aandacht op regelmatige basis. Rozen hebben veel energie nodig om goed te kunnen groeien en daar helpt voldoende water en voeding bij. Bekijk ook regelmatig of er uitgebloeide bloemknoppen aan de roos zitten. Om energieverspilling te voorkomen kan je deze het beste zo snel mogelijk verwijderen. Daarbij is het verstandig om de roos te bemesten zodat deze weer goede en gezonde voeding kan opnemen. Het advies is om dit twee keer per jaar te doen; in maart en eind juni.

Let op dat er rond de basis van de Rosa Pink Cloud geen andere planten staan. Bijvoorbeeld een bodembedekker. Hierdoor kan het voor de roos moeilijk zijn om nieuwe scheuten te vormen.


Products are shipped directly from the nursery every week on Mondays & Wednesdays. By delivering only twice a week, we reduce logistics emissions and optimize our processes. This benefits both the quality of our products and the climate.

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