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Belle Epoque wortel

Apricot Bare root

Apricot Bare root

15 in stock

Regular price €17,95 EUR
Regular price €13,95 EUR Sale price €17,95 EUR
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'Rosa 'Aprikola': climbing rose for colorful gardens and terraces

De Rosa 'Aprikola', a masterpiece by Kordes from 2000, is one of the most beautiful shrub roses that can enrich your garden or terrace. With its warm, apricot-colored flowers and subtle fragrance, this repeat-flowering rose is a favorite among both experienced gardeners and beginners. This rose combines an elegant appearance with exceptional growth characteristics.

Beautiful colors and a pleasant scent The flowers of Rosa 'Aprikola' range from light pink to apricot, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in any outdoor space. The subtle fragrance adds an extra dimension, making this rose a favorite among lovers of fragrant roses.

Ideal for borders and pots With a compact growth height of 60-80 cm, this rose is perfectly suited for pots and borders. For people with a smaller balcony or terrace, the 'Aprikola' offers the chance to enjoy beautiful roses. Thanks to its versatility, it also fits beautifully in a colorful cutting garden or as a shrub rose in a border.

Long-lasting bloom and low maintenance A great advantage of Rosa 'Aprikola' is its re-blooming nature. With proper care, it blooms from early spring to deep into autumn. This rose requires only a minimum of maintenance, ideal for anyone who wants to enjoy beautiful roses without intensive care.

Resistance and durability The Rosa 'Aprikola' is known for its excellent resistance to common rose diseases. This makes it a sustainable choice, making it ideal for use in both large climbing roses and small gardens.

Order Rosa 'Aprikola' online Let your outdoor space shine with the unique beauty of Rosa 'Aprikola'. Order this beautiful cluster rose online now and discover why so many garden lovers choose Belle Epoque Roses.

Flowering time

  • Juni
  • Juli
  • August
  • September
  • Oktober


Strauchrose (0,5 - 1m)

Flower form

  • Halb voll


Stark duftend

Care Instructions

Die Pflege der Rosa „Aprikola“ ist nicht schwierig, aber die Rose erfordert regelmäßig etwas Zeit und Aufmerksamkeit. Rosen brauchen viel Energie, um gut zu wachsen, und ausreichend Wasser und Nährstoffe helfen dabei. Überprüfen Sie außerdem regelmäßig, ob sich verblühte Blütenknospen an der Rose befinden. Um Energieverschwendung zu vermeiden, ist es am besten, diese so schnell wie möglich zu entfernen. Es ist ratsam, die Rose zu düngen, damit sie wieder gute und gesunde Nährstoffe aufnehmen kann. Der Rat ist, dies zweimal im Jahr zu tun; im März und Ende Juni.


Products are shipped directly from the nursery every week on Mondays & Wednesdays. By delivering only twice a week, we reduce logistics emissions and optimize our processes. This benefits both the quality of our products and the climate.

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