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Paragon Growth & Bloom Bare root

Paragon Growth & Bloom Bare root

16 in stock

Regular price €18,95 EUR
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The man behind Rosa 'Groei & Bloei' (Syn. Paragon) is breeder Marco Braun, who lives in Alphen aan den Rijn. Marco has already introduced several dozen new roses to the market; from small shrub roses and large and small flowered shrub roses to ramblers (climbing roses). Even though he has only been breeding roses for thirteen years. You must bear in mind that after a crossing it takes at least seven years before a new rose comes onto the market.

The special thing about Rosa 'Groei & Bloei' is that the plant is disease-free, grows easily and blooms very profusely. And it is the first rambler that continues to bloom, according to Marco. The first flowers appear at the end of June, the rose is in full bloom in mid-July and most flowers have finished blooming in August. While other climbing roses have finished blooming, a second bloom follows in September and October. Marco: “And the flowers also smell wonderful, a bit lemony.

The most special thing about the Growth & Bloom rose:

I think it's special that it stays beautiful for a long time. Even after a rain shower, the flowers remain pure white and do not discolour. This rose can withstand moisture very well. That is very nice in the Netherlands!”
The semi-double, white flowers are grouped together in large bunches. Thanks to their striking yellow stamens, they are very striking. Marco says that they are real bee magnets:
“You don't know what you see. I have one on my allotment and they really buzz around it.” To top it all off, Rosa 'Groei & Bloei' produces beautiful orange-red colored hips. After two years the plant is about 2 meters tall. According to Marco, the rambler is ideal for removing a bare wall.

The Grow & Bloom garden rose

De Roos has won a number of prestigious awards, including:
The fragrance prize of the rose competition of the rosarium in Roeulx, Belgium 2016.
The Golden Rose during the rose competition in the rosarium of The Hague 2018

Flowering time

  • Juni
  • Juli
  • August
  • September
  • Oktober


2,00-3,00 m

Flower form

  • Halb voll
  • Staubblätter


Stark duftend

Care Instructions

Die Pflege der Rose „Wachstum und Blüte“ ist nicht schwierig, aber die Rose erfordert regelmäßig etwas Zeit und Aufmerksamkeit. Rosen brauchen viel Energie, um gut zu wachsen, und ausreichend Wasser und Nährstoffe helfen dabei. Überprüfen Sie außerdem regelmäßig, ob sich verblühte Blütenknospen an der Rose befinden. Um Energieverschwendung zu vermeiden, ist es am besten, diese so schnell wie möglich zu entfernen. Es ist ratsam, die Rose zu düngen, damit sie wieder gute und gesunde Nährstoffe aufnehmen kann. Der Rat ist, dies zweimal im Jahr zu tun; im März und Ende Juni.


Products are shipped directly from the nursery every week on Mondays & Wednesdays. By delivering only twice a week, we reduce logistics emissions and optimize our processes. This benefits both the quality of our products and the climate.

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