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Belle Epoque wortel

Nye Bevan (Auspital) Bare root

Nye Bevan (Auspital) Bare root

14 in stock

Regular price €23,85 EUR
Regular price Sale price €23,85 EUR
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The 'Nye Bevan' rose is an inspiring addition to any garden with its uplifting and remarkable flowers. This rose presents open, cup-shaped flowers in soft yellow that transition to cream. The scalloped, inward curving petals are richly arranged around a central core of golden stamens, giving the flower a soft and airy appearance. The first bloom is spectacular, with the flowers proudly displayed in well-spaced clusters against a background of medium green, semi-glossy foliage. The plant itself forms a healthy, medium-sized, upright shrub with a delicate myrrh scent. To promote repeat flowering, it is necessary to remove the rose hips.


  • Colour: Pale yellow
  • Blooming: Recurrent blooming
  • Fragrance: Light to medium, Myrrh
  • Flower Size: Medium
  • Family: English shrub rose
  • Dimensions: Medium-sized shrub - 110 cm high and 75 cm wide
  • Breeder: David Austin
  • Introduction year: 2021

Ideal For

  • Rozenhagen
  • Pots and containers
  • Rose border
  • Mixed border

Growing conditions

  • Location: Suitable for northern, eastern, southern and western exposure
  • Soil type: Suitable for all soil types
  • Sunlight: Full sun
  • Suitable for shady areas: Partial sunlight

Origin of the Name The 'Nye Bevan' rose is named in honor of Aneurin (Nye) Bevan, the founder of the British National Health Service (NHS), in recognition of the NHS and her contribution to the healthcare. This name symbolizes the dedication and care provided by this historical figure.

The 'Nye Bevan' rose is a meaningful and attractive choice for any garden lover looking for a rose with a story and excellent garden performance. It combines aesthetic beauty with historical interest and is a beautiful addition to any garden setting.

Flowering time

  • Juni
  • Juli
  • August
  • September
  • Oktober
  • Mai


Große Strauchrose (1 - 1,5 m); Kleine Kletterrose (2 - 3 m)

Flower form

  • Ausgestopft


Stark duftend

Care Instructions

<p class="p1"><span class="s1">Die Pflege der Rose „Golden Celebration“ ist nicht schwierig, aber die Rose erfordert regelmäßig etwas Zeit und Aufmerksamkeit. Rosen brauchen viel Energie, um gut zu wachsen, und ausreichend Wasser und Nährstoffe helfen dabei. Überprüfen Sie außerdem regelmäßig, ob sich verblühte Blütenknospen an der Rose befinden. Um Energieverschwendung zu vermeiden, ist es am besten, diese so schnell wie möglich zu entfernen. Es ist ratsam, die Rose zu düngen, damit sie wieder gute und gesunde Nährstoffe aufnehmen kann. Der Rat ist, dies zweimal im Jahr zu tun; im März und Ende Juni.</span></p>


Products are shipped directly from the nursery every week on Mondays & Wednesdays. By delivering only twice a week, we reduce logistics emissions and optimize our processes. This benefits both the quality of our products and the climate.

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