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Belle Epoque wortel

New Dawn Bare root

New Dawn Bare root

18 in stock

Regular price €13,95 EUR
Regular price €15,95 EUR Sale price €13,95 EUR
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Rosa new dawn fresh from the grower

'Rosa new dawn climbing rose has beautiful light pink flowers and a subtle fragrance. The climbing rose has a dark leaf color, and the flower color can change from soft pink to whitish. The rosa new dawn is well winter hardy and can withstand severe frost. Also for the most beautiful climbing roses, rambler roses, shrub roses or English roses fresh from the rose nursery we at Belle Epoque are here for you with advice and action!'

Pink new dawn plant

Rosa new dawn is popular in all kinds of different gardens. Most climbing roses are placed over a pergola, old shed, fence or a boring wall. Other climbing roses are planted in a pot. New plants do best in a sunny spot or partial shade. Plant the Rosa New Dawn in the shade and it will also grow well. In most cases the climbing rose can grow to a height of 200 to 300 cm.

Rosa new dawn maintenance

the Rosa new dawn climbing rose plant grows well among other garden plants. After planting, the climbing roses are not pruned for the first two years. Then the climbing roses Rosa New Dawn, like many other plants, are pruned in the spring. Pruning can be done after the frost period has passed, otherwise it can affect the growth and flowering of the climbing rose.

Pruning branches is necessary, otherwise the lower branches of the climbing rose will become lignified. You usually prune garden plants when they are dormant, the best time is in the spring. This also applies to the climbing rose. Pruning side branches is important for the best quality. You prune the side branches back to two eyes of the main branch. It is important to preserve the shoots of the climbing plant, as flowers can bloom there again the following year.

Rosa new dawn care 

A climbing rose usually wants to be in the sun. And the soil is well-drained. Planting climbing plants is most common in the spring. With proper care, the flowering period is optimal from June to September and produces a beautiful pink flower color.

Order pink New Dawn online

Choose a beautiful climbing rose or other rose and delivery will take place in a sturdy box. Products have a description and are usually immediately available.

Flowering time

  • Juni
  • Juli
  • August
  • September
  • Oktober


Kletterrose (3 - 5m)

Flower form

  • Ausgestopft


Stark duftend

Care Instructions

Die Pflege der Rose „New Dawn“ ist nicht schwierig, aber die Rose erfordert regelmäßig etwas Zeit und Aufmerksamkeit. Rosen brauchen viel Energie, um gut zu wachsen, und ausreichend Wasser und Nährstoffe helfen dabei. Überprüfen Sie außerdem regelmäßig, ob sich verblühte Blütenknospen an der Rose befinden. Um Energieverschwendung zu vermeiden, ist es am besten, diese so schnell wie möglich zu entfernen. Es ist ratsam, die Rose zu düngen, damit sie wieder gute und gesunde Nährstoffe aufnehmen kann. Der Rat ist, dies zweimal im Jahr zu tun; im März und Ende Juni.


Products are shipped directly from the nursery every week on Mondays & Wednesdays. By delivering only twice a week, we reduce logistics emissions and optimize our processes. This benefits both the quality of our products and the climate.

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