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Belle Epoque wortel

Bobbie James Bare root

Bobbie James Bare root

8 in stock

Regular price €17,95 EUR
Regular price Sale price €17,95 EUR
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Bobbie James: spectacular summer bloomer of Belle Epoque

Discover the charm of the Bobbie James rose, a summer bloomer that transforms your garden into an oasis of flowers and fragrance. For just €17.95 Bare root, you can add this rose to your outdoor space. Delivered by Belle Epoque, directly from our nursery, you are assured of top quality and freshness.

Features of the Bobbie James

  • Color: Half-filled, white flowers with a yellow center
  • Bloom: Large clusters of flowers in the summer, followed by oval seed pods in the autumn.
  • Height: Up to 10 meters, ideal for growing in a tree
  • Properties: Very flowering, well winter hardy, and low maintenance
  • Fragrance: Rich and refreshing

A showstopper in any garden The Bobbie James is a powerful rambler rose with light green leaves and an abundance of flowers that give your garden an elegant appearance. Perfect for pergolas, walls, and trees, this rose impresses with its growth and long-lasting appeal, even in the autumn with its decorative rose hips.

Tips for planting and care Plant the Bobbie James in a sunny spot in well-draining soil and enjoy her abundant blooming. Thanks to her hardy and low-maintenance nature, this rose is suitable for both beginner and experienced garden enthusiasts.

Why choose Belle Epoque? At Belle Epoque Roses, we offer only the best quality, directly from the nursery to your garden. The Bobbie James rose is a choice for those looking for a long-flowering, robust, and versatile plant that continues to surprise year after year.

Order now For only €17.95 Bare root you can add the Bobbie James rose to your garden. Be surprised by its flowers and fragrance. Order today and experience the quality and service of Belle Epoque, where roses are the focus.

Flowering time

  • Juni
  • Juli
  • August
  • Oktober
  • Mai


Große Kletterrose (5 - 10m)

Flower form

  • Halb voll
  • Geelhart


Stark duftend

Care Instructions

Die Pflege der Rose „Bobby James“ ist nicht schwierig, aber die Rose erfordert regelmäßig etwas Zeit und Aufmerksamkeit. Rosen brauchen viel Energie, um gut zu wachsen, und ausreichend Wasser und Nährstoffe helfen dabei. Überprüfen Sie außerdem regelmäßig, ob sich verblühte Blütenknospen an der Rose befinden. Um Energieverschwendung zu vermeiden, ist es am besten, diese so schnell wie möglich zu entfernen. Es ist ratsam, die Rose zu düngen, damit sie wieder gute und gesunde Nährstoffe aufnehmen kann. Der Rat ist, dies zweimal im Jahr zu tun; im März und Ende Juni.


Products are shipped directly from the nursery every week on Mondays & Wednesdays. By delivering only twice a week, we reduce logistics emissions and optimize our processes. This benefits both the quality of our products and the climate.

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