Rozen planten in de winter - Belle Epoque rozen

Planting roses in winter

Planting roses in winter

Now is the time 

During the winter months we are often asked whether it is possible to plant roses. The answer is that you can plant anytime, provided it doesn't freeze. Is frost forecast? Then store the roses in a cool place where it does not freeze, for example in the shed or storage room. As long as the roses are kept sealed in a plastic bag, you can store them for a few weeks and wait patiently until the temperature increases. Roses that you have planted previously are also sensitive to frost. We therefore recommend covering the inoculation point well with soil before frost. You remove this again in the spring during the first pruning. Protect standard roses with a closed jute bag, possibly filled with straw. Potted roses are extra sensitive to frost. Protect the rose with bubble wrap.
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